Transform Your Reading Experience

Revolutionize Your Browser with Our Cutting-Edge Extension

Discover a smarter way to manage your online reading. Save, summarize, and listen to any article in moments. Join us to streamline your digital space and enrich your knowledge, effortlessly.


Smart Bookmark Organizer

This is your reliable tool for efficient information management and boosting productivity in everyday life and professional activities.

Save for Later
Postpone interesting articles with a single click, freeing up space from a surplus of tabs.
Intelligent Insights
Gain a condensed summary of each article thanks to AI, highlighting key points and ideas.
Audio Conversion
Transform saved articles into an audio format for convenient listening anytime.
Smart Extraction of Key Points
Automatic text analysis highlights the main ideas and conclusions, facilitating a quick understanding of the essence.
Personalized Recommendations
Allow AI to curate materials based on your preferences and previously read articles.
Interactivity and Understanding
After reading, questions and tasks are offered for a better assimilation of the material.
Reading Time Forecasting
AI helps to plan how much time reading articles will take, allowing you to better manage your time.
Easy Access to Archives and Bookmarks
Return to saved articles at any time thanks to a convenient archive and bookmarking system.

Value for Users

Our extension will become an indispensable assistant for those looking for ways to manage internet information more effectively. It not only helps to reduce the number of open tabs, simplifying navigation and reducing information noise, but also provides tools for deeper interaction with content.

RAG Articles

Your Revolutionary Chrome Helper

A Groundbreaking Extension for Reading Management

In a world where information flows are constantly increasing, there is an acute need for tools that can not only cope with this flow but also derive maximum benefit from it. We introduce to your attention a unique Chrome browser extension, specially designed for those who value their time and strive for efficient information management.

Main Idea and Its Significance

This extension is intended for users who daily face the need to quickly and effectively process large volumes of information on the internet. Its primary function is the ability to add open tabs to a special list for reading at a more convenient time, significantly reducing the number of active tabs and optimizing the workspace.

Why It Matters

In an age of information overload, the ability to quickly find, process, and assimilate information becomes a critically important skill. Our extension offers users a unique tool that not only addresses this task but also makes the reading process more organized and productive.

Incorporating features such as extracting key moments and summarizing content makes the reading process not just faster but maximally effective, allowing users to dive deeper into what they read and better assimilate information.

This Chrome extension will become your personal assistant in the world of endless information streams, helping you maintain focus, enhance understanding, and deepen knowledge.

Problems the Extension Solves

  • Information overload: allows avoiding the need to keep dozens of tabs open by offering a convenient mechanism for their storage and subsequent access.
  • Workspace organization: helps maintain order in the browser, reducing stress levels and increasing productivity.

Key Features and Their Benefits

  • Save articles for later: the ability to add interesting articles to a list for reading at a more suitable time.
  • Smart extraction of key moments: annotations and highlighting of the main ideas of articles using artificial intelligence algorithms, which facilitates information perception.
  • Content summarization by AI: the ability to get a condensed presentation of the article, saving the user's time.
  • Audio playback of notes, summaries, and articles: all saved articles, summaries, and notes can be listened to in audio format, making it convenient to consume content hands-free or while on the go.
  • Interactive questions and tasks: engaging tasks after reading for better information retention.
  • Social features and knowledge sharing: share read content and key points with friends or colleagues directly from the extension.
  • Mobile application: complementing the browser extension, a mobile app allows users to listen to or read their articles anytime, anywhere, providing a seamless transition between devices and situations.

Get notified when we’re launching.

Enter your email below to secure your spot on our waitlist. Be among the first to experience the future of efficient online reading and content management with our revolutionary Chrome extension and mobile app. Don't miss out on transforming how you interact with information every day.

Frequently asked questions

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Feel free to send me an email, and I'll respond to you as soon as possible.

Will this extension work with other browsers?
Currently, we are focused on developing the extension for Google Chrome due to its popularity. However, we are open to expanding support to other browsers if there is significant interest and demand from users.
How much does it cost to use the extension?
It's too early to discuss specific figures as the extension is still in development. The cost will depend on the selected features and the prices of third-party services, including the use of artificial intelligence models and server rentals. We aim to set the price at about five euros per month. There will be two versions available: a free version with basic functionality and a paid version with extended features.
What languages does the extension support?
Initially, we will focus on supporting the English language. The work with other languages will depend on user requests. We are prepared to expand language support in response to the needs of our audience.
How is the confidentiality and security of my data ensured?
The security of user data is our top priority. We use advanced data encryption methods and strive to follow the best security standards to protect your confidential information.
Will a mobile app be developed?
Yes, the development of a mobile app is also planned. It will allow you to listen to audio summaries of the articles you've saved and interact with content through voice, including answering questions to reinforce the material.
How can I contact you?
You can contact me via the email address provided at the bottom of the page. I am open to questions, ideas, and proposals and guarantee that no one will be left without a response.